Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Self Portrait

Self Portrait 16 x 20 oil on canvas
I decided to create a self portrait because I thought it would be a good painting exercise. I never imagined it would be quite so difficult. It is interesting to really try to perceive ones self as others may see us. This is not something to which I usually give a lot of thought. I have wondered why during the course of most artist's lives they only do one or two self portraits (if any at all.) Now I think I understand. I will not do another self portrait for a long while... maybe when I am seventy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Avery the Archer

Avery 24 x 30 oil on canvas

Avery was posed holding a bow at the archery range for this portrait. Three arrows are stuck in the back stop. The back stop is a wall made up of cardboard sheets laid one on top of each other on their sides. The texture of this surface in combination with the particle board wall beside it were challenging but very fun to paint. I like the casual feel of both the the pose and the location.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Oliver's Portrait

Oliver 24x30 oil on canvas
Working from photo references of last summer's corn harvest I painted Oliver outside in a cornfield for his portrait. I took some artistic license and replaced the plastic Rubbermaid ice chest upon which he was seated with a vintage one. The full sun lighting presented a different challenge then the interior portrait did. I wanted to capture the dramatic lighting without areas feeling "washed out."
On this painting I used a traditional canvas instead of an ultra-smooth finish. There was a recognizable difference and I will return to using smoother surfaces on the portraits to follow.