Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Avery Painting

Avery 12 x 12, oil on canvas

Here is a painting of Avery I completed over the Holidays. It is only 12 inches square in size. It is fun to do these head and shoulder studies from time to time. It will probably end up hung in his room as he does not have a portrait displayed in there yet. (Clara has The Young Artist portrait in her room.) I am working on a larger piece that includes all three children but focuses on Oliver. (That one will likely end Oliver's in his room.)
Happy New Years to you and yours!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Painting My Aunt Janice

Aunt Janice, 24x36, Oil on canvas

I painted this portrait of my Aunt Janice who is also an artist. I really enjoyed this project, in part, because Janice was a large part of the reason I wanted to pursue art as a young child. I always loved receiving hand-painted Christmas presents from her for Christmas and other special occasions.
I painted her at her easel in her kitchen where she often paints. On the easel is her current project. The main lighting source was the windows behind her which created dramatic shadows and lit up the canvas on the easel.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sibling Portrait

Hughes Children, 24 x 36, oil on canvas
This is one of several paintings that I have completed in the last month. I wanted to keep the pose casual in keeping with the families lifestyle. The family dog, Sophie, also made it into the painting. I really enjoyed incorporating the children's interests into the portrait.