The new year has begun and with it I have begun a new art class. I am taking my first portrait painting class. It is on Saturday at Water Street Art Gallery in Sapulpa and is taught by local artist Evelyn Petroski. We had our first class yesterday and painted from a live model. the image above is the resulting painting. I have a lot to learn on the subject of portraits and I hope that you will be able to see my progress as the class continues. The drawings below are ones I did this week of Avery and Clara this week. They are charcoal, white conte and sanguine drawings on tinted paper. I am considering using them as studies for oil paintings in the future. I will be doing a similar drawing of Oliver next using the same materials. Unlike the painting above these drawings were done from photos as reference rather then a live model. (I do not think I could get the kids to sit still for 30 minutes let alone 4 hours!)

Clara Charcoal, conte and sanguine on tinted pastel paper by Heather Dixon
Avery Charcoal, conte and sanguine on tinted pastel paper by Heather Dixon

Clara Charcoal, conte and sanguine on tinted pastel paper by Heather Dixon

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