Here is a photo of Avery's Bedroom mural. He loves science! I wanted a graphic mural so I decided to do a cross section of the earth's core. I painted the bands of color first and then I ordered custom wall words in various fonts that I applied on the walls. The text would not have been as crisp if I had painted it. He loves the resulting mural and I think it's not something he will grow out of quickly.
Below is a very simple project Avery and I did together for his room. The top half is a peg board that is painted in silver and green stripes. The bottom is a piece of plywood that we painted with both magnetic paint and chalkboard paint. We hung it using a french cleat. It is a very inexpensive solution for storage and display!
Clara's room consists of a number of re purposed items. Basically, I "shopped" my garage and other rooms of the house. The large closets on either side of the window were in the study of our last home. I added floral and butterfly "wall sticker" designs that wrap around the sides. She now has plenty of closet space which I am sure she will appreciate when she is older. I carried the same floral and butterfly designs through the room randomly on the walls. I hung paper lanterns from the ceiling that were left over from a party that I hosted. I love paper lanterns, especially in a little girls room! I bought these at the local Asian grocery store. The painting above the desk is by local artist (& my best friend) Rosemary Daugherty! The girl in the painting is drinking a slushy in front of the a lucky stop convenience store. She reminds me of Clara!
Outside of the kid's rooms is a linen closet that was not very functional. The hall is very wide and felt like waisted space. I took the doors down and painted the interior shelves a dark brown. I now use it to store and display books and games. The lower shelves hold the children's frequently used items. They often build a floor puzzle or play a board game right on the hall floor.

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