I have discovered the process of felting old wool sweaters. It is so simple! The above hats, mittens and stuffed bunny all began their life as a men's sweater and a shawl. The instructions for felting the wool sweaters is at www.sewnews.com/resources/library/hol06/ All you need is a washing machine and a few old sweaters. I used 100% wool items - they are the easiest to felt!
I laid the sweaters flat to dry so there were no creases in them and I waited until they were completely dry to begin sewing. I then placed the finished hats on a metal bowl and used an iron to
steam and shape them after I sewed them. I modified the pattern for the mitten and hats from the one in the Sew News article. I made a fingerless mitten for Clara and then purchased inexpensive knitted gloves to fit inside of them for a layered effect.

steam and shape them after I sewed them. I modified the pattern for the mitten and hats from the one in the Sew News article. I made a fingerless mitten for Clara and then purchased inexpensive knitted gloves to fit inside of them for a layered effect.
I made the pattern for the large and small stuffed bunnies myself. I used brown grocery bags on which to draw the pattern. The "baby" bunny fits inside a pocket on the front of the "mommy" bunny. I had such a great time with this project I will certainly felt old sweaters again!

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